Trend Jobseekers continue to decline in Cairns

The release of the original Jobseeker data from the Dept of Social Services for October allows us to update the Conus/CBC Staff Selection Jobseeker Trend data for Cairns and Townsville.

It confirms the continued decline in the number of people receiving Youth and Newstart Allowances in the regions. Cairns has fallen to 8,104 (from 8,056 in Sept) which represents a decline of 8.3% for the year and is the lowest figure since Nov 2012. Townsville also saw a decline to 6,840 (from 6,905 in Sept) which is a decline of 7.5% for the year which is the lowest level since Feb 2015.

Across the State as a whole Greater Brisbane declined 8.6% for the year while the Rest of Queensland has fallen 9.0% since Oct 2018.

The Conus/CBC Staff Selection Jobseeker Trend data for Cairns and Townsville is available for download below. Please feel free to use this data but kindly acknowledge Conus/CBC Staff Selection when you do so.

Conus/CBC Staff Selection Jobseekers Trend Cairns & Townsville – Oct 2019

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