The quarterly Labour Account data from the ABS showed that in the year to June 2024 average income across Australia grew at 2.8% yy. In Queensland (based on Conus analysis of the Labour Account and the split of industry employment relative to the nation) we estimate the figure was a …read more
While building approvals in July are up only very modestly (Australia Trend +2.4% y/y), the increase in Queensland is a far more impressive +10.1% y/y. That increase in QLD is being led by regional approvals, which are up 16.4% y/y, rather than in Greater Brisbane where the increase is just …read more
A New Era of Data Welcome to our July update on the Cairns labor market. We’re now four months into using the ABS’s Enhanced Regional Labour Force data, and it’s proving to be a game-changer. This more robust dataset is giving us clearer insights into employment trends, helping us paint …read more
Today’s release by the DSS allows us to update our Conus/CBC Staff Selection Regional JobSeeker Trend series. What this shows is that, despite signs of a gradual weakening in the labour markets across the nation and State, we are not seeing that reflected in the North. Trend JobSeekers across Australia …read more
This is the second month for which we are using the new Enhanced Regional Labour Force data from the ABS. This is now providing a more robust and less volatile data-set which we can utilise to estimate our Conus/CBC Staff Selection Trend series. Given this new, more stable dataset, the …read more
The run of positive months for employment growth in Cairns has now extended to 12 with March adding another 300. The region has now seen an additional 6,000 people employed in the past year and this month we see (for the first time in a while) that the bulk of …read more
In the 5 years from mid-2016 median house prices in Cairns went almost precisely nowhere (units rose by about 5%). However, over the same period median rents for houses and units increased by about 23%, opening up a significant gap between the two metrics. In the almost-three years since then …read more
Last month we reported a slight decline (-100) in the number of Trend employment in Cairns after a run of nine positive months. This month we have seen that decline revised away and we see an additional 600 added to Trend employment and the run of positive months extended to …read more
For the fifth consecutive month Trend employment in Cairns lifted again in August (+600), although we remain 2.1% down from a year ago. The growth was split between full-time and part-time employment, although full-time employment is still down for the year. Once again most of the full-time gains came from …read more
A move lower in participation over recent months, combined with some healthy employment growth, has seen the Trend unemployment rate in Cairns move lower and hit a record low of just 3.0%. Even with this move down in participation, the labour market still looks very strong. Growth in Female participation …read more