The Dept of Social Services original data on the Youth Allowance and Newstart Recipients for September allows us to update our own Conus/CBC Staff Selection Jobseeker Trend series for Cairns and Townsville SA4s.
Trend jobseekers have again fallen in both areas; although Cairns continues to do rather better than Townsville.
Across the nation our Trend analysis suggests a decline in jobseekers of 8.5% for the year to Sept. The improvement in Queensland was slightly faster at 9.5%. Cairns also bettered the national rate falling 8.9% to 8,768 while the decline in Townsville was somewhat slower at 6.0% to 7,283.
The full data set is available for download below. Please feel free to use the data but kindly acknowledge the source as Conus/CBC Staff Selection Jobseeker Trend when you do so.
Conus/CBC Staff Selection Jobseeker Trend – Sept 2018