More on SEQ v Rest of QLD jobs

Following on from our post the other day, Gene Tunny over at Queensland Economy Watch has used our Conus Trend data to compare jobs growth in SEQ (Brisbane plus the Gold and Sunshine Coasts) with the Rest of QLD. What he finds clearly shows the sharp disparity between what has been happening over the past year regarding jobs growth in SEQ and elsewhere.

Gene’s analysis demonstrates that the vast bulk of job creation over the past 12 months has been coming from SEQ with the Regions seeing little or no growth in that time.

There may well be an element of delayed GFC-recovery going on here with SEQ performing much better, much more quickly, than the rest of the State after 2008; although pinning these differences on an event 6 years might be stretching the bow a little far! However, recent developments and anecdotal evidence (combined with some actual data) would suggest that things are starting to move in the right direction particularly in the Far North. We have a fortnight to wait until we see the next installment of regional jobs data (released 14th Aug).

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