The Dept of Employment today released their Small Area Labour Market data for the September quarter. The headline data is presented as a smoothed 4 quarters average at both Local Govt Area and SA2 level. However, hidden in the release is the original, unsmoothed, data and from that we create the Conus Trend series for all the QLD LGAs as well as the SA2 and SA3 areas within the broader Cairns region.
The SALM estimates use data from ABS Labour Force, estimated regional population estimates and Census along with Dept of Social Services Centrelink data in an effort to “produce small area labour market estimates that reflect the regional disparities of the Centrelink data, while being consistent with the ABS Labour Force Survey estimates.”
Most councils in the Far North saw minor increases in Trend unemployment rates but these came on the back of downward revisions in previous months (as we suggested would happen in our commentary last quarter…see here). The Conus Trend unemployment rates for our various LGAs in the Far North are;
To our south Townsville City Council now sits at 8.3%, after the June quarter was revised from 9.3% to 8.4%.
As the chart below makes clear, original data is showing an improving trend and we therefore anticipate further downward revisions to Conus Trend unemployment rates in future quarters.
Digging a little deeper into the Cairns region by considering the SA3 regions we see that Conus Trend unemployment rates are;