The data from Cairns Airport for July shows a very solid pick up in both international and domestic passenger numbers. Our Trend estimate suggests that total monthly numbers are now approaching 400,000 which is only 7.5% below pre-COVID levels at this time of year. Most of this shortfall is from …read more
The latest domestic tourism expenditure snapshot data from Tourism Research Australia for June shows that the boom in domestic tourism, particularly across Regional Queensland, remains well in place. The monthly snapshot expenditure data is no more granular than “Regional QLD” and “Greater Brisbane and Gold Coast”, so we cannot say …read more
Today’s release by Tourism Research Australia of the National Visitor Survey for the year to March 2022 confirms what those living up here have known for some time (and we’ve been writing about for the past two years); domestic tourism in the Far North has been going gangbusters! Domestic tourism …read more
Data from Tourism Research Australia released recently shows just how well the Tropical North has been doing when it comes to domestic tourism; at least until the Omicron surge hit. Data for the year up to the end of the September 2021 quarter from the National Visitor Survey shows that …read more
Monthly Snapshot data for July from Tourism Research Australia released today shows that, despite the start of lockdowns taking effect in NSW and Victoria, domestic tourism in regional Queensland remained very strong (as it has been since the latter part of last year). Clearly Queenslanders are still travelling, and spending, …read more
Today sees the release by Tourism Research Australia of the June quarter National Visitor Survey data (see here). What it highlights is just how well the Tropical North QLD region was doing with domestic tourism before the effects of the NSW, Victoria and ACT lockdowns took their toll. For the …read more
Tourism Research Australia have released their monthly Snapshot domestic tourism data for June; and it confirms that the domestic regional tourism boom which started last year continued into the middle of this year. Clearly, the lock-downs in NSW, Victoria and ACT are likely to have changed that picture significantly from …read more
The recent and ongoing lockdowns in NSW, ACT and Melbourne are obviously having a significant effect on the tourism sector in the Far North. The data from Cairns Airport for July passenger numbers clearly shows the beginnings of that effect being felt with passenger numbers down 12.5% from June. Given …read more
The National Visitor Survey for the March quarter adds some detail to our understanding of the domestic tourism scene which the monthly snapshot release has been unable to provide. It confirms that quarter-on-quarter domestic visitors are up 0.4% nationally with expenditures virtually unchanged. On a year/year basis visitor numbers are …read more
Tourism Research Australia today released their snapshot domestic tourism data for January, and it showed regional Queensland (indeed regional areas of all States) continuing to demonstrate what can only be described as a resurgent boom. For the year to January domestic tourism expenditure across Australia fell 16.4%; NSW was -13.0%, …read more